About Us

We welcome you to our website pages and promise that we’ll do our best to make your visit both interesting and useful. During your visit we’ll try to explain to you:
  • Who we are
  • How and when we were established.
  • Our sponsors and how they help us.
  • Who needs “MedicAlert”
  • What is the cost of “MedicAlert”
  • How anyone can register.



We are a group of volunteers, Members of the Lions Clubs of Cyprus and other citizens, who are offering our services for the functioning of “MedicAlert” in Cyprus. We are not a medical center or hospital and we do not offer medical advice or opinions. We are not an Insurance Company and we do not offer related services.

We are functioning as a Data Bank in which, persons with any kind of medical problems or allergies can deposit all relative information. “MedicAlert” is authorized and undertakes the responsibility to make such information known to medical or paramedical personnel only in medical emergencies so that they can offer appropriate medical care and avoid risks of potential fatal developments.

“MedicAlert” is obliged to keep all information it receives under strict confidentiality, it refuses to disclose such information except to authorized persons in medical emergencies only. It is also forbidden for “MedicAlert” to offer for sale any information in its Data Bank, or to make such information available to others for any type of financial or other remuneration.

Copyright 2020